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Connecting People and Places

The Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) is a Joint Powers Agency composed of the seven incorporated cities (Arcata, Blue Lake, Eureka, Ferndale, Fortuna, Rio Dell, Trinidad), and the County of Humboldt. It is the designated Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) as well as the Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE). 

HCAOG’s activities carry out the policies and implementing actions that the Board adopts in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). HCAOG’s regional transportation goal is for Humboldt County to have a carbon-neutral, multi-modal transportation system that is comprehensive, safe, sustainable, and equitable for all.

The agency is largely responsible for programming specific public funds to improve local streets, roads and state highways, as well as multi-use trails, public transportation and active transportation amenities. The agency performs planning activities to encourage more sustainable transportation, accessible destinations, and more walkable neighborhoods.

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Climate Change Preparedness

HCAOG is building collaborative, coordinated programs for reducing the transportation sectors’ greenhouse gas emissions with an overall goal of achieving a substantial shift to more walking, biking, and public transit.

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Public Safety & Health

HCAOG adopts the Vision Zero initiative with the goal of eliminating roadway fatalities, with a focus on pedestrians and bicyclists hit by cars. Active transportation is a vital connection to healthy and active communities.

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Equity & Inclusive Access

Transportation equity seeks fairness in transportation programs and that no group is disproportionately impacted. HCAOG is committed to holding equity and accessibility efforts at the core of our programs and strategies.

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Housing & Vibrant Neighborhoods

Housing with a relationship to everyday destinations, including transportation options, is key to achieving a high quality of life within our communities. Our agency supports land use policies that encourage less traffic and congestion.