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Meeting Details


Wednesday, March 5, 2025


1:30 PM

HCAOG - 611 I Street, Suite B, Eureka, CA 95501

1. Call to Order/Introductions

2. Public Participation on Non-Agenda Items

HCAOG reserves this agenda item for matters not on the agenda that the public may present.

3. Approval of Meeting Record

4. Presentations

a. Humboldt County’s Roads/911 Emergency Response Measure O

Deputy County Administrative Officer Sean Quincey will provide a presentation on Measure O and discuss the SSTAC’s role. 

5. Discussion Items

a. Introduction to Grant-Funded Project: Humboldt Partnering Assets & Authorities for Comprehensive Transit (PAACT)

Senior Regional Planner, Oona Smith, will discuss the PAACT project. 

6. Action Items

a. FY 2025-26 Unmet Transit Needs (UTN) Comments and Reasonable to Meet Recommendations and Timeline Revisions

The SSTAC will review comments, survey results, and the draft FY 2025-26 UTN Report of Findings and consider recommending that the HCAOG Board adopt the Report of Findings. 

7. HCAOG Executive Director Report

This item is reserved for matters that the Executive Director may wish to report on.

8. SSTAC Member Reports
