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Meeting Details


Thursday, March 6, 2025


2:30 PM

HCAOG - 611 I Street, Suite B, Eureka, CA 95501

1. Call to Order/Introductions

2. Public Participation on Non-Agenda Items

This agenda item is reserved for matters that are not on the agenda that may be presented by the public.

3. Consent Calendar

The TAC will consider approving the following item(s) considered to be routine, with a single motion. Item(s) may be removed from the Consent Calendar and, if removed, will be heard separately.

4. Approval of Meeting Records (encl)

5. Items Removed from the Consent Calendar

This agenda item is reserved for items that may be removed from the consent calendar.

6. Action Items

a. SS4A Consultant Recommendation (encl)

The TAC will consider recommending a consultant to complete the Safe Streets and Roads for All Vision Zero Action Plan.

b. Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Project Prioritization Ad Hoc Committee (encl)

The TAC will seek volunteers for an Ad Hoc Committee that will explore ideas for prioritizing projects in the RTP. 

c.   FSTIP Carbon Reduction Program Call for Projects (encl)

The TAC will provide staff with directions for next steps for allocating FSTIP Carbon Reduction Program funds. 

6. HCAOG Executive Director and Staff Reports

This item is reserved for matters that the Executive Director or staff may wish to report on.  

7. TAC Member Reports

This item is reserved for matters that committee members may wish to report on.
