The Humboldt Bay Trail Fund Committee welcomes proposals from public agencies and community organizations to participate in the development, maintenance, and improvement of the Humboldt Bay Trail.
The Humboldt Bay Trail Fund was established in April of 2017 to provide financial support for the maintenance and creation of multipurpose trails around Humboldt Bay for walking, running, biking and wheeling. The fund is administered by the Humboldt Area Foundation and is overseen by the Humboldt Bay Trail Fund Committee. The seven-member Humboldt Bay Trail Committee is composed of four community members at large, representing trail stakeholders from a broad spectrum of the community, and three public agency representatives from the City of Arcata, the City of Eureka, and the Humboldt County Public Works Department. One of the four at-large members is a representative from the Humboldt Trails Council.
Projects or programs proposed to the Humboldt Bay Trail Fund Committee for funding must demonstrate direct benefits to the Humboldt Bay Trail and should be consistent with funding priorities and do one or more of the following:
- Leverage investment, matching funds or contribute to fund development
- Enhance community visibility and engagement
- Broaden community involvement
- Enhance public safety and comfort on the trail
Proposals should address one or more of the Humboldt Bay Trail Fund priorities, listed in preferential order:
- Maintenance and rehabilitation, with an emphasis on projects involving community volunteers
- Emergency repair projects
- Trail amenities (signs, benches, lighting, landscaping)
- Cost-share to state or federal grant funds for project development (planning, engineering design, technical studies, permitting, and/or construction)
Grant awards generally range from $500-$10,000, although larger, compelling projects will be considered. Grantees must provide full accounting of how grant monies were spent, submit invoices consistent with the approved proposal, and agree to submit a brief, annual, narrative report summarizing the work completed, including before and after photographs, to highlight the benefits to the trail and trail users. Grant funds are paid on a reimbursable basis. Multiyear proposals are welcome. Proposals should specify the completion dates.
Applicants must use the attached grant application. Applicants are required to show proof of coordination with the local government where the project is being proposed. Applicants should be a public agency, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, or partner with a fiscal sponsor. For additional information on eligibility, please contact info@hcaog.net.
Application Deadline:
February 7, 2025, by 5 p.m.
Applications must be emailed or delivered to HCAOG by the due date.
Submit applications to: info@hcaog.net
Humboldt County Association of Governments
611 I Street, Suite B, Eureka, CA 95501